By this document and concerning the use of rented or private SURF / BODYBOARD / CANOE / SUP equipment with supervision, from the individual SUP rental business of Vasileios Miisas, son of Konstantinos, located in Mesakti, Ikaria, with VAT number 131651773, Tax Office of Samos, I declare that I fully accept the following terms:



1. I accept that the above business, through its responsible person or the assisting beach staff, will provide me with supervision in the sea and instructions for the safe conduct of SURF / BODYBOARD / CANOE / SUP activities.


2. I acknowledge that SURF / BODYBOARD / CANOE / SUP are recreational activities conducted in the sea, and there is a risk of injury to myself or a third party from their use. Therefore, I must fully comply with the directions and instructions of the business manager or the assisting beach staff.


3. By this document, I release and exempt the above business and its staff from any liability, and I commit that I will not raise any claim or demand based on damage, injury, or even death caused to myself or any third party due to my involvement in these activities.


4. I agree to use the rented SURF / BODYBOARD / CANOE / SUP equipment in a reasonable, safe, and prudent manner so as not to endanger anyone’s physical integrity, life, or property.


5. I am responsible for the equipment I have rented and obliged to repair any damage I may cause.


6. I declare that I am 18 years old or older and know how to swim, or I act as a parent or guardian of my minor child, unreservedly accepting the above terms.


7. This statement of mine applies to today’s and any future rental of supervised equipment from the above business.






The “Vasileios Missas”, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”, with contact details: phone 6974591674 and email address [email protected], in its capacity as data controller, ensures the protection of personal data it collects and further processes, fully complying with the applicable European and national legislation on personal data protection, particularly with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“Regulation”) and national law 4624/2019. The Company collects and further processes the personal data provided by you in the above statement exclusively for your participation in the programs offered by the Company and only for the necessary duration of these programs, unless specific provisions require further compliance. The legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract of which you are a party or taking measures at your request prior to entering into a contract. Your email address will be used by the Company to send informational material if you provide your consent and until its possible withdrawal. Additionally, please be informed that during the activities, participants may be photographed and filmed, and this material may be transmitted to participants in the activity and used by the Company for promotional purposes through all its channels, such as printed materials, website, etc. The legal basis for this processing is the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the Company, such as promoting its products and services to the general public. The photos and videos will be retained until you object to their use. The Company may transfer the personal data provided by you in this statement to partners involved in the implementation of the program/trip for which you have declared participation. While photos and videos, if used, become accessible to an indefinite number of recipients. You are hereby informed that under the Regulation you have the following rights: a) information and access, b) rectification, c) objection, d) withdrawal of consent, and, provided the conditions of the Regulation are met, e) erasure, f) restriction of processing, and g) data portability. For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by the Company or the exercise of any right, you may contact us by sending a message to the address [email protected]. Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (







During your participation in the program/activity, photos and/or videos depicting you may be taken or you may be recorded by the “Company.” The material collected may be used both in print and digital format for the promotion of the Company’s programs and purposes on the internet, social media, or in informational newsletters.



You may contact the Data Protection Officer (email: [email protected]) if:


(a) You wish for the Company to cease using the above material concerning you.


(b) You wish to be informed about how the Company processes the above material.


(c) You believe that the Company has used the above material inappropriately or in violation of the present agreement or applicable law.



In order for the Company to use these photos/videos/audio recordings, we ask you to sign the following consent form:



I explicitly consent and give my consent to the “Company” to store, process photos/videos/audio recordings concerning me, taken in the context of my participation in the program/activity, and to publish them both in print and digital format, for the promotion of its activities. The above material is intended for publication on the internet, on social media, as well as in informational material. I have the right to be informed if the processing of my personal data affects me in a way that may have negative consequences, and I can request the deletion of data concerning me at any time.



I declare that I accept all the above terms, acknowledging them as valid, and I hereby waive any right to challenge their validity for any reason.



I. Agree to all of the above and acting unaffected and with free will.