I hereby declare regarding the use of rented or private SURFBOARD/BODYBOARD equipment and the use of rented or private SURFBOARD/BODYBOARD equipment under supervision, from the individual rental business of SURF/BODYBOARD of Isidoros Plytas, son of Stylianos, based in Mesakti, Ikaria, with VAT number 131693451, Tax Office of Samos, that I fully accept the following terms:


  1. I accept that the above business, through its responsible or auxiliary beach staff, will offer me supervision in the sea and instructions for the safe conduct of the SURFBOARD/BODYBOARD activity.
  2. I acknowledge that SURF/BODYBOARD are recreational activities conducted in the sea and there is a risk of injury to myself or others from their use, and therefore I must fully comply with the instructions and guidance of the business’s responsible person or the auxiliary beach staff.
  3. By this declaration, I release and absolve the above business and its staff from all responsibility and commit that I will not raise any claim or demand, based on causing damage, injury, or even death to myself or any third party, resulting from my engagement in these activities.
  4. I agree to use the rented SURFBOARD/BODYBOARD equipment in a reasonable, safe, and prudent manner so as not to endanger anyone’s physical integrity, life, or property.
  5. I am responsible for the equipment I have rented and am obliged to repair any damage I may cause.
  6. I declare that I am 18 years of age or older and know how to swim, or I am acting as a parent or guardian of my minor child, unreservedly accepting the above terms.
  7. This declaration of mine is valid for today and for any future equipment rentals with supervision from the above business.




“Isidoros Plytas” under the commercial title “Ikaria Surf School’’, the “Company” here in after, under the capacity of a data controller ensures the secure processing of the personal data that are submitted, fully complied with the current legal framework for the protection of personal data and in particular the General Regulation of Data Protection (EU) 2016/679 (Regulation) and the L. 4624/2019. The “Company” collects and process the personal data that you fill in the above document exclusively for your participation in the programs offered by the company and only for as long as is necessary for the implementation of these programs, unless specific provisions require their further observance. The legal basis for processing is the performance of a contract to which you are a party or the taking of measures at your request prior to the conclusion of the contract. Your e-mail address will be used by the “Company” to send out informational material provided you give your consent and until it may be revoked. We also inform you that during the activities the participants are photographed and filmed, and this material may be transferred to the other participants and used by the company for promotional purposes in media, publications, website, etc. The legal basis for this processing is the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the company, such as the promotion of its products and services to the general public.

Photos and videos will be stored until you oppose their use. The company will not transfer the personal data you provide with this statement to any third party, while the photos and videos, if used, become accessible to an unspecified number of recipients. We inform you that according to the Regulation you have the following rights:

  1. a) Right of access.
  2. b) Right to rectification.

c)Right to object.

d)If the processing is based on consent, withdrawal of the consent at any time, without such withdrawal affecting The legality of the processing until the withdrawal and if the conditions of the Applicable Legislation are met.

  1. e) Right to erasure.
  2. f) Right to restriction.
  3. g) Right to portability.


For any questions regarding the processing of your personal data by the “Company” or in case of exercise of the above rights or of any of your rights you can contact us at [email protected] . For any complaint regarding this Policy or personal data protection issues you can also contact the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (HDPA) (




1)You may be photographed/filmed/recorded on behalf of the “Company” during your participation in the activities/programs. The photos/recordings gathered may be used in both printed and digital form to promote the programs and purposes of the “Company”, on the Internet, social media or newsletters.


  1. You may contact the data protection Officer (email:

[email protected] if:

(a) You want the “Company” to stop using those photos/ recordings

(b) You want to know how those photos/recordings are used

(c) You feel that we those photos/recordings have been used inappropriately or in a way that violates the agreement or current legislation.


  1. In order for the “Company” to use those photos/recordings, you must consent:

I hereby consent to the “Company” storing, processing and publishing photos/video/audio recordings taken of me on the occasion in question, in both printed and digital form, for the purpose of the promotion of the “Company’s” activities. The photos/recordings are intended to be published online, in social media as well as information material. I have the right to request the “Company” to delete my photos whenever I think my personal data is affected in a way that may have a negative impact on me and request the “Company”  to delete my personal data any time.


I declare that I accept all the above terms, recognizing them as valid, and I waive from now on any right to challenge their validity for any reason.


I agree with all the above and acting uninfluenced and of my own free will.